Thursday, 19 December 2013

Monthly Shoe Wishlist | Christmas edition |

Top left: ALDO: Dwaydien - midnight black £70.00
So as I've previously mentioned by new job in now back in the city centre (hence lack of posting at the moment). This has come with its own problem of too much window shopping. A brief 5 minuet walk through town to work can end up taking a lot longer as you will regularly find me stood gazing at shoes in shop windows. This is when I happened to spot these beautiful shoes in ALDO. As much as these are perfect for a night out I'm also trying to convince myself these would be practical for work to justify buying them, although maybe not? 

Top right: Designer Desirables: Lemonade Shoes Baby Pink Crystal Couture Glitzy High Heel Pumps £250.00 £62.50
The Christmas season is well and truly upon us and no Christmas night out would be complete without the perfect pair of party heels. I'm still shocked by the amazing reduction on these and with a £187.50 saving these would be an amazing treat for myself. Obviously my new job has justified a lot recently, multiple Costa coffees, a nice lunch, new clothes, the pair of shoes mentioned above etc but the saving starts in January right? 

Bottom left:Topshop: Rebel pink mirror heels £48.00 £38.00
Ok so these would defiantly be a wear as off kind of item but these defiantly caught my eye. I'm not sure if I would be able to pull of wearing these, however as much I would be willing to give this a go I think for now this hot pink little pair remain in Topshop. 

Bottom right: River Island: Multi chain strap sandals £70.00
I've always found River Island hit and miss for shoes and clothes although some people love it I'm much more a topshop gal. However since I picked up a pretty nice (and practical believe it or not) pair of boots here recently I thought I'd have a little browse. I adore the chain detail on the shoes and could defiantly see myself wearing these quite a lot.

Whats your favourites?


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