It seemed liked forever a little excitement has been building in me for the Tour De France coming to Leeds / Yorkshire. A lot of my friends hadn't been interested in watching a "bike race". Apparently it must be a little "uncool" now a days to support the biggest cycling event in world and morose the biggest sporting event Yorkshire has held...but Saturday morning myself and a quarter of a million spectators "fellow uncool kids" rose from our warm cosy beds that extra bit earlier to show our support for the Grand Depart of the Tour De France setting of in Leeds city centre.
Bustling through the crowds at 8:30 am. Honestly Saturday morning I really was awake at that time, I excitedly rose from my pit to watch a "bike race". Yes this is my typing this. It was surreal in some ways walking through the centre with the volumes of people all trying to secure there places at the front row to take their places in history. I feel I should mention as I was walking through the crowed I couldn't help but think, if zombies took over I bet this would be the size of an apocalypse crowed. Now that I've made you all click the little x at the top of your screens...thinking freaking weirdo, lets move on to the pictures.
First up is my shameless tequila inflicted hangover selfie from my night at Hirst Yard (my fav bar in Leeds). If I'm honest even my tequila hangover didn't put a downer on my day as I scurried (scurried.....did I evolve into a rodent over the weekend?) through the crowds, as the amazing folk at The Light in Leeds has given me an invite to their VIP breakfast with complementary amazing views.
Sipping champagne and bucks fizz (hangover wan't too bad obviously), tucking into croissant's and pain au chocolate, I couldn't help but feel smug that I had one of the best seats in the house for the departure.
The parade before hand set of in the morning with a range of floats to keep the crowed entertained. My favourite has to be the float for Yorkshire Tea...for the funnies reason the crowed behind thinking"what's going on".."why can't I see"..although disappointedly to me, (meanie pants me) a second float coming by the other way came by soon after.

The crowed began to fill the centre of Leeds more and more as the celebrations got on their way and I shamelessly felt smugger and smugger about my top notch view. As the Team Sky van drove by and the roar of the crowed grew stronger I couldn't help but to jump up at the window more and more with excited butterfly's.

Eventually the race commenced and as I heard the count down I lept from my chair to let out a scream that I can only (sorry for this next part) compare to when I saw One Direction live for my 22nd birthday. I really didn't know my lungs had it in me or where it came from but I felt somewhat proud to be at such an event. I'm often jealous of other bloggers who post amazing pictures of their seaside villages and so on,but over the weekend I've truly realised I have something to be proud on right on my doorstep and I shouldn't take any part of it for granted.
Hope you all got to finally see more of my humble surroundings of Yorkshire on the News, TV and News papers.
Have you been supporting the Tour De France?