Hey everyone this is just a quick post to update all you guys and gals of my weekend (apologies now for the shocking pics of me) .
So one of the reasons i love Leeds is there is always something going on. Every January an ice skating ring is built in the city center and this Sunday was my chance to envisage myself on dancing on ice (or try not to fall). I actually did pretty well and surprised myself. I also really wanted to go as i needed a chance to wear my new coat.
Since there was an 2 hour wait until the next ice skating session, i also fitted in a cheeky trip to Nando's . Also if your wondering what i did Friday and Saturday, Friday i went to a place called fuel (my favorite night out in Leeds) and Saturday i was working, boooo.
I also cannot possibly leave this post without expressing my excitement at the second lot of announcements for Leeds festival. SYSTEM OF A DOWN! I really cannot wait to see these, along side Eminem aswell this year the festival finally seem to have got it right. Having been the past 6 years and this is looking like the best one yet. (I just hope i manage to get a ticket some time soon)
Anyways i will have to love you and leave you so i can get back to looking for a summer holiday. Ciao.