So last week, I took a little trip for the first time to Crabtree & Evelyn in the Victoria Quarter in Leeds. I've never visited this store before, so It was nice to be invited down for a little nosey and try out some of their products. Crabtree & Evelyn also have such a cute little campaign going at the moment to share your beauty tips (the leaves on the tree in the window all have hand written beauty tips on from customers..and of course me) and in return receive a £5 voucher for the store.

I will admit I did use to avoid the smaller beauty stores such as this one, unless I knew I wanted to buy something in particular. I felt either the staff at these kind of intimate stores typically persuade me into buying things and I feel quite awkward having to stand and chat with the assistants as they big up there expensive products and make me feel guilty that I don't already know about the wonderful magical powers of lavender for example or that I haven't been in the store before. Or the other option is leave empty handed and have a guilty feeling that they must feel I was trying to steal something if I didn't buy anything. Now please tell me you all understand this.
Anyway's after my visit to Neal Yards Remedies a while back I realised these places aren't so bad and actually it's quite nice to have shop assistance who care and know about their own products. In fact they should teach the girls at the Mac counter a thing or two about been warm and friendly.
The event was the perfect opportunity to mingle with the staff, who I actually can't believe didn't once try to sell me any products! Other than mentioning they sell their own range of biscuit after I practically scoffed all the display ones, there was no sales antics going on at all. FYI They really are the nicest biscuits I have ever tasted. (and that's also probably where the tummy has come from in my latest outfit post)
The fact there was no hard sell really spoke volumes about the products. I love their unique scents of hand creams including the avocado and basil scented one. Don't worry it wasn't too weird and the scent was actually rather refreshing. I was also pretty shocked to find out they stock their own range of nail varnishes in some very pretty colours and I was especially shocked by just how wonderful their perfume range is the Venetian Violet is such a wonderful scent and reminds me of parma violets.
Have you tried Crabtree & Evelynn
Don't forget to leave your beauty tip in store and to pick up your £5.00 voucher
My beauty tip - Don't over pluck your eyebrows!