Katy from What Katie Did was kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster Award.
There's no actual prize in this award its just a nice way of getting new blogs or blogs with under 200 followers noticed. Its also a great way of introducing others to blogs you enjoy.
- Share 11 things about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions set by the person who tagged you
- choose 11 blogs to nominate
- Ask 11 questions to the people you've tagged
11 Things about me:
- I'm 21 years of age.
- For my 22nd birthday i'm going to Berlin .... to see One Direction.
- The last gig i went to was Stereophonics.
- I have now been a non-smoker for 3 months.
- I'm a very messy person.
- I intended to start blogging as a diary for myself and now i'm addicted.
- The worst job i have had was working in Build A Bear.
- My favorite t.v program is Criminal Minds.
- Festivals are my idea of heaven.
- When i grow up i want to live by the sea.
The 11 questions Katy asked:
- What is your desert island disc? (the song you would have if you could only listen to one song ever) Ben Howard - The Fear
- What beauty product could you not live without? Everything Soap and Glory
- Who is your secret celebrity crush? No secret: Louis Tomlinson
- Which three people would you invite to a fantasy dinner party? (living or dead people) Marilyn Monroe, Jack Whitehall, Dallas Green.
- What made you start a blog? As a Diary for myself.
- What is your guilty pleasure (food)? Cheese
- What is your guilty pleasure (music)? One Direction
- How do you wind down after a tough day? Blog
- What advice would you give to your younger self if you could? Nothing i like who i am.
- Who is your biggest inspiration? My fav bloggers
- What is the most worn item in your wardrobe? A black lace jacket.
11 Questions from me:
- When you was little what did you want to be?
- If you could travel to any country were would you go?
- Who is your favorite blogger?
- Whats your favorite song at the moment?
- If you have to pick one person to live on a desert island for a week with who would it be?
- If you won a million pound what would be the 1st thing you would buy?
- What 1 thing would you of told yourself 5 years ago?
- If you had 1 wish what would you wish for?
- Whats the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
- What 3 things do you hope to achieve this year?
11 Blogs i nominate:
A Little Bit Of Everything
Makeup Music And Fashion