Friday, 8 March 2013

Whats in my handbag?

So if you read the post whats in my purse you will probably be aware i have a lot of loyalty cards (my Tesco clubcard also finally came yesterday). Since i'm a nosy person and i'v been enjoying the posts whats in people handbags i thought i'd share with you whats in mine. I'm sure i'm not alone when we presume everyone else must have a whole load of interesting bits and bobs in there handbag when they probably don't, I can assure you mine is nothing interesting. 

P.s i also apologies this has been in my drafts a little too long (bad blogger), as you will know Rosie (my beloved Samsung galaxy S3) is no longer with me. 

1. Purse from Topshop
2. Radley card holder - not that they all fit
3. Passport
4. Notebook and pen 
5. Hair ties
6. Vera Wang princess perfume
7. Rainbow drops lip-balm
8. Handcream (I get very dry hands so i always carry hand cream)
9. Drink - Lucozade revive
10. Lemsip 
11. My phone, complete with panda case (I'v named her Rosie) 

Dare you reveal whats in your handbag?


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