Shoes: Blowfish
I am 100% in awe of this outfit from FD Avenue right now. It's stylish yet modern and I'm a huge fan of the 2 piece combo outfits. It makes a great value wardrobe addition. I can imagine the top looking very 80s with some bright disco leggings or the skirt been mixed into a whole range of outfits from work wear to nights out. Unfortunately I am very much missing a pair of killer heels (I would of gone for a white platform heel) for this outfit, however I was spending a day in York Saturday with some of my favourite ladies and if you have ever visited York, you will know it's not the most heel friendly place, with their adorable yet dangerous cobbled streets. By dangerous I don't mean your likely to be mugged, in the street, it's a very nice pleasant place, however in terms of breaking my ankle the chances for me (with my crazy shoe addiction) is very high. Obviously I'm really selling York to you guys right now.
I've posted about York on a number of occasions and the city is somewhat a bloggers dream. Despite spending the day with Hayley, Kel, Sharon and my newly appointed photographer Jess (just kidding, but she did take these amazing photos). We made it a no blogging day, it's nice to see how blogging how bought me together with some amazing ladies who are now very much very good friends. It was nice for us all spending the day together shopping, drinking and having lunch as simply friends not bloggers.
Verdicts on the outfit?