Monday 8 April 2013

Trip to York and Scarborough part 1


Since we have recently seen the first few rays of sunshine of the year and me and a few friends decided we would make the most of it and so we hopped on the coast-liner bus. We had originally planned on getting the train over to Scarborough however i was glad we took the bus, not only was it cheaper (it was £15 each for a freedom ticket what aloud us to use the coat-liner buses all day just hop on and off) but we also had time to fit in a little trip round York on the way.

I love the city of York its filled with cute boutique shops, restaurants and bars along the river and the city itself is filled with such history. 

We didn't have much time in York so as soon as we spotted we could rent a boat we all quickly hurried down to the river, hired out a boat (£25 for half an hour) pretended to be pirates, drank some JD (we didn't have any rum) sailed around York and came back. (I didn't make a very good pirate, before boat had even been untied i started the engine and tried to set off causing the boat to swing round and crash into the wall). There was just enough time to climb up Clifford's towers before been told to get down by a rather angry tourist attraction lady. We then hopped back onto the bus and headed for Scarborough. 


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